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How Qmanager Save Your Money Per Year

As a school administrator, you certainly know that managing a school institution is easier said than done. Between supervising staff, supervising students and solving unexpected problems, your daily work is never done. Above all, you have to deal with school dismissals, which take time, patience and, most importantly, valuable funds from your budget.

Our experience in working with schools throughout the country shows that using QManager software can save significant time and money for your institution.

How QManager saves you money

School Administration software  is a school stop solution that drastically reduces the amount of money you spend each year on paper and clipboards.

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This intuitive software only requires iPad to control the process of singing in and out when parents come to pick up or pick up their children. It has easy-to-use communication options between school staff and parents who make actual signatures on excessive paper.

By using QManager you can save up to $ 8,000 per year on paper, clipboards and pens. The money can easily be used for other investments for your school, recruiting new staff or upgrading school facilities.

In addition, you will not end up with an entire closet full of school termination forms folders. QManager stores all interactions between school staff and parents and extensive reports on student activities that you can always access at the touch of a button.